Legal warning

Legal warning

General information

To comply with the provisions of the Law 34/2002, of 11 of July, of information society services and electronic commerce, Below are the general information data of this Website.

Marquis Rigol S.L.
NIF: B-58665480
c / de la Font, 1
08775 Torrelavit
Phone: 93.899.50.80

Marquis Rigol S.L., offers on the marquesrigolcom website, information related to the type of activity, products and services it performs. Access to the Marquès Rigol Website, and to the information related to any of the products and services contained therein, implies acceptance of the conditions set forth in this Legal Notice. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully read its content if you wish to access and make use of the information and services offered from the Website.. Marquès Rigol offers access to the website under the conditions of use described below:

Terms of use

The information provided by Marquès Rigol through its website should be considered by the user as an introduction, without it being estimated as a decisive element for decision making, declining all responsibility for the use that can be verified of the same in such sense, and specifically, it must be understood that said information, subject to current regulations in Spain, it is not intended for those users who act under other jurisdictions of States that require the fulfillment of different requirements for the provision, disclosure or advertising of online advertising services and / or products.

The information contained on the Website is current on the date of its last update. These conditions are those in force from the date of their last update. Marquès Rigol reserves the right to modify them at any time, in which case they will come into effect from its publication and will be applicable to all portal users from that date.

Marquès Rigol reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained on the website, even being able to limit or not allow access to said information, without prior notice. Especially, Marquès Rigol reserves the right to remove, limit or prevent access to your Website when technical difficulties arise due to events or circumstances beyond Marquès Rigol's, at your discretion, decrease or cancel the standard security levels adopted for the proper functioning of said Website.

In no case will Marquès Rigol be responsible for losses, damages of any kind arising from accessing and using the Website, including, but not limiting, to those produced in computer systems or those caused by the introduction of viruses and / or computer attacks. Marquès Rigol will also not be responsible for the damages that users may suffer due to improper use of this Website and, in any way, of falls, interruptions, absence or defect in telecommunications.

Marquès Rigol does not grant any guarantee on the legality and legality of the information or elements contained in the pages of the Website., when the ownership of the same does not correspond to Marquès Rigol.

Marquès Rigol does not guarantee or assume any type of liability for damages suffered by accessing third-party services through connections, links or links of the linked sites or on the accuracy or reliability of the same. The function of the links that appear on is exclusively to inform the User about the existence of other sources of information on the Internet, where you can expand the services offered by the website. In no case, This entity will be responsible for the results obtained through the aforementioned links or the consequences that result from the partner's access to them.. These third party services are provided by these, reason why this entity cannot control the legality of its services or its quality. Thus, for our part, it is recommended that the User take extreme precautions when accessing this type of links.

The free text fields that may appear on different forms contained in the Portal have the sole purpose of allowing the User to express their queries or needs regarding the service provided as well as to collect information to improve the quality of the services provided by Marquès Rigol. The User will not include, in the form containing the "free text fields", no personal data that can be classified within those data for which a medium or high level of protection is required, without prior notice to Marquès Rigol.

LSSICE conditions

As established by law 34/2002, of 11 of July, of information society services and electronic commerce (LSSICE) authorizes us to send you informational communications, advertising or promotional by electronic means for which we make a notice of acceptance of these conditions with the submission of the form. However, at any time you can exercise your rights to revoke consent by any of the means described.

Intellectual and industrial property

The entire Marquès Rigol Website, the pages it includes and the information or elements contained therein, include texts, documents, images, Photographs, graphic representations, audio files, databases, computer codes, structure, selection and order of its contents, as well as logos, brands, tradenames, color combinations, typefaces or other distinctive signs, protected by intellectual or industrial property rights, of which Marquès Rigol is the holder or legitimate licensee, are protected by the Intellectual and Industrial Property regulations, not being able to be exploited, reproduction, distribution, modification, public communication, assignment or transformation or any other form of diffusion not expressly authorized. Access to the Website does not grant users the right, nor any ownership over the intellectual and / or industrial property rights of the contents that this website houses. Any reproduction, distribution, marketing or transformation of content that has not been expressly authorized by its owners, constitutes an infringement of the intellectual and industrial property rights protected by the Law. Marquès Rigol reserves the possibility of exercising the corresponding legal actions against users who violate or infringe intellectual and / or industrial property rights..

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The relationships established between Marquès Rigol and the User will be governed by the provisions of current regulations regarding applicable law and competent jurisdiction.. However, for cases in which the regulations provide for the possibility for the parties to submit to a jurisdiction, Marquès Rigol and the User, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona.